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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2021, 02:39 PM
Sancho69's Avatar
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Originally Posted by num1scamp View Post
My husband does have a health problem and his pulmonologist has treated hundreds of covid patients. A major hospital here is where he works and it is also where they tested the Moderna vaccine. While it is true that for most people the death rate is not high unless they have other medical problems for those over 65 or with weakened immune systems it can be very deadly. People who have had transplants or chemo or radiation therapy for cancer are very at risk. His doctor told us that what happens is that it causes double viral pneumonia and it literally shreds the lung tissues. Just being placed on a ventilator for any period of time has it's own inherent risks. One of my husbands friends spent 8 weeks in a rehab center after being released from the hospital. He just got home last week and he's still on oxygen for 24 hours a day. This is a man who had been extremely healthy but who had been treated for liver cancer. The cancer was gone but then he contracted Covid. He's 62 years old. So it has caused a lot of problems for a great many people, but to say this is a worldwide hoax when so many have suffered is a bit ludricous. We know of others who've had it with no problems at all. j
Hi num1camp,

Please accept my most sincere condolences for your husband's illness. I pray that he completely recovers.

We're continually surrounded by deadly health risks. Probability lies with your having staph on you skin at this very moment. A portal on your skin could allow opportunistic staph to invade your circulatory system possibly resulting in death. Our mouths contain over 300 species of bacteria some of which could be fatal if they were to enter our circulatory system. TB is prevalent in the USA. You could stand in a grocery store checkout line next to a TB infected person. Living a normal life involves risk.

But health risks are not my basis for concern. One of my undergrads is in history. I've taken many upper division courses in US history. The country we live in does not resemble the country created by our incredibly brilliant Founding Fathers. I see none of their core tenets in operation within our federal government. Depending upon source, the USA ranks 27 on the world freedom index. Other sources have us ranked lower. In essence, the United States of America has transitioned in to a Third World banana republic where elections are routinely rigged, justice is bought and sold, coup d'états occur with predictable regularity depending upon caprice of ruling elites, and we now exist in a de facto, government created caste system in which laws used to intimidate and control the unwashed masses do not apply to the Jeffery Epsteins, Comeys, Brennans, Bidens, etc. A substantial core tenet of our Founding Fathers was rule of law: no one was above the law. We now have a two-tier justice system in which our ruling elite is above the law.

Like a fool, I supported Bush 43's Patriot Act. I should have read it before deciding. The Patriot Act is not about protecting us from terrorism. It gave governmental agents authority to invade our privacy with virtually no just cause. Bush 43 used the classic propaganda tactic of fear of an illusory enemy to sell the destruction of Americans' rights and liberties. We haven't been the land of the free since 1913.

Illness, whether real or fear of, must never be causal of destruction of our Constitutional rights. Should I be given authority to force anyone to wear a face mask because I have a bad cold that I want to prevent from becoming pneumonia?

We do not quarantine the healthy.

num1scamp, there was an ulterior motive to create fear among Americans of a disease that has a statistically insignificant mortality rate. It could be our economy that has one foot on a banana peel and the other over the precipice of financial collapse. Our secured debt is at least 30 trillion bucks, assuming Biden's reckless and dangerous fiscal policy is approved. Our unsecured debt (promises to pay) push our debt burden to over 200 trillion bucks, an amount for which we'll never be good. In essence, we're destroying ourselves via reckless, profligate spending.

If JFK's murder proved anything, it proved that the president of the united states is not the most powerful person in America. And that's why our uniparty system feared President Trump. He was destroying their illusion of a sovereign nation. He was returning the United States of America to We the People from whom it was stolen.

num1scamp, we exist within a country with a totalitarian governmental construct complemented with mercantist economic construct. Our rulers confiscate our money and hand it over to their homeboys. Their homeboys become phenomenally rich and We the People become poorer. Covid caused the biggest wealth transfer in American history. Interest on our secured debt is about 400 billion bucks. American taxpayers foot the bill for our secured debt interest payments. That 400 billion bucks goes into pockets of our ruling elite.

If our Constitutional rights are not absolute, then they're merely privileges subject to interpretation and caprice of our rulers.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2021, 10:15 AM
sexhound46217's Avatar
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I know I’ve bitched about this Covid crap for almost a year now. But if people start inquiring why hospitals get thousands of dollars more when clamming death from Covid. Also the actual numbers of death from heart problems and other diseases are so few none are available. And seems this the common Flu is nonexistent compared to other years. Also Google; How many people die from the common Flu each year (in your state) and compare to the deaths we now have. You will be surprised at the numbers in comparison. I’m not going to say Covid is a hoax because it has been around for decades. Lysol has had on their cans for at least 30 yrs.
But just why is it when a virus is 99.8% survivable becomes a pandemic makes me really start to question the back story. I’m not a doctor or ever had any medical training other than CPR & First Aid classes like most. But I read and digest everything possible on a subject and try to make an informed opinion and that’s just what it is my opinion.

But I do wish everyone out there a safe day.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2021, 01:34 PM
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Hi sexhound,

We agree on just about everything.

I agree that a virus exists. I do not agree that draconian responses to include voiding Amendment I of the Unites States Constitution were justified.

Government had an ulterior motive to impose unconscionable restrictions.

Our country has transitioned from a constitutional republic with a federalist governmental construct to a Third World banana republic were elections are routinely rigged, justice is bought and sold, and a caste system determines social status.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2021, 11:29 PM
evannnate5678's Avatar
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Covid is out there and it's real.

That said, it's affect has been GREATLY exaggerated. The main reason for this is the CARE act. It provided hospitals with an extra 20% for every COVID related procedure they performed. This gives them financial incentive to call everything COVID related.

As far as deaths, the CDC instructed hospitals that they do not have to even perform a PCR test in order to determine if someone has the disease. All they need is "reasonable suspicion" that the person has it (i.e. symptoms). The problem with that is that the symptoms for COVID are pretty much a catch-all (sore throat, fever, headache, etc.). You can have sinus drainage, and they'll call it COVID.

A friend of mine is a deputy. They recently had someone who tried to commit suicide (gunshot wound to the head)l. They rushed this person to the emergency room. On the way thru the door, the hospital was jabbing him in the arm to get a COVID test. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts they were unable to save him. However, the test came back positive, so they were able to call this a COVID related death, and recoup their additional 20% for everything they did while trying to save him.

If you look at "excess deaths" year over year, the real number of extra people that have died this year is more like 57,000 (not the 600K the media reports). Estimates are that 30% of those are due to the effects of COVID (suicide, delaying needed medical tests/procedures, etc.) IF you take that into account, this disease presents itself more like a bad flu.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2021, 09:59 AM
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We did a party last night. Not a single person wore a mask. Less than half were vaxxed. At least two of the vaxxed regretted getting the jab. If any of the guests believed governmental covid and vaccine bullshit, not one mentioned it. The guests that did offer opinions said the did not believe anything from any governmental official about covid and vaccines.

Vaccine is a misnomer. They are not vaccines. They lack demonstrable efficacy. They're experimental chemicals.

There have been a reported ~40,000 vaccination-casued deaths in the USA. Applying Harvard's Pilgrim adverse vaccine reporting, fewer than 1% of adverse vaccine events are reported. That would put total vaccine deaths at over a million, far more than the fewer of 1% covid mortality of those who've contracted it. I'll guess than fewer than 1 million Americans contracted covid. Than would put covid deaths without comorbidity at 10,000, far fewer than a normal flu season.

Dr. Malone was discussed. He invented mRNA. He has said that mRNA is wholly unsuitable for use as covid vaccine. His admonitions have been censored on social media. They can be found on Rumble.

A year ago, American lemmings were hiding under their beds waiting for the sky to fall. It took a year for lemmings to figure out that they're victims of a huge governmental hoax, what many are calling the most egregious crime against humanity in history.

Preliminary scientific reports indicate that vaccines cause female infertility. Once people have allowed themselves to be injected with experimental chemicals, damage inflicted cannot be reversed.

Masks are 100% useless as covid protection.

Nearly everyone at the party thought that Fauci must be subject of a criminal investigation. He is directly responsible for vaccination deaths.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2021, 10:46 PM
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I posted something about COVID here and I see it has not been posted yet. Is there someone in command over whelmed with posts that mine hasn’t been approved yet or is there a censorship in the background ?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2021, 09:14 AM
kjs1961's Avatar
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Originally Posted by saskcple View Post
I posted something about COVID here and I see it has not been posted yet. Is there someone in command over whelmed with posts that mine hasn’t been approved yet or is there a censorship in the background ?
Did you get a pop up telling you that it would have to be reviewed by admins before it could be seen?

If so, forget about ever seeing it.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2023, 12:29 PM
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Hello everyone, when covid started, I almost always sat at home and because of this I had to watch a lot of TV shows to kill my time and wait until I could go outside and live a normal life, I thought it would be very problematic, but it turned out quite the opposite it was still interesting due to the fact that I found a lot of TV shows here with different topics and different genres! Right now I watch all the series and movies only here.!
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