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Old 05-18-2019, 03:56 PM
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WhatsHisName WhatsHisName is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 47
Default Often I'll Go All The Way

When somebody or something catches my eye enough to make me visit their page, I'll often look back through at least several pages, if not most of them. (Often people have lots and lots of pics that are very similar so there isn't much use viewing all of them.) And for the ones that have been posting for a while, it's interesting so see how the pics and people in them have changed, which makes the earliest ones especially interesting. As you've previously noted, not all of us can put pics on our profile for various reasons; I'm in that situation. I can understand that people who can put pics appreciate people like me leaving comments to show our appreciation. Similarly it is nice to occasionally have someone notice that I left a substantive comment, or wrote something that is more than just "nice tits." So I guess both the posters and the viewers appreciate a little show2 of appreciation.

But should you remove older pics? I would hope not, but can understand if you do. Not only does it take your time to select and remove them, it makes the site less than it already is. And there are a few like me who do view and appreciate and comment on the older pics. Thanks for asking and giving me the chance to voice my opinion.
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