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Old 12-19-2010, 04:16 PM
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sga6996 sga6996 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 49

1/ Do you find many married women will go bareback?
--I can't think of a single married woman who has not gone bareback with me... Usually I try to do the politically correct thing and wear one. At this point many of them tell me not to. Then there are the women who, usually on the third go (not sure why it is always the 3rd time in a night when this happens) engineer the situation so that it is conveniently forgotten in the heat of the moment. They then obviously want nothing to do with it after that. Then there are the women who, the second their husbands leave the room demand that I get rid of the condom because they hate it. All told, I've never been with a woman, married or single where these exact situations have not played out as described.

2/ Have you ever been with a married woman who is on no other form or birth control and has decided to risk it with you?
--Yes. I always ask, they always say, "Yes" or "it's OK, keep going". Many of them I know very well are lying about being on birth control. They usually get off the most and live for the thrill that they just might get pregnant from this little encounter. I should be clear, I always ask. The woman is the one who already has the idea and wants to go for it. I have never TRIED to do it without protection.

3/ Is the decision to bareback discussed, or condoms aren't even mentioned
--A lot of times, especially the 3rd time crowd, they are being very good girls for the first one. They ask if I have the condoms. They may even stop things and ask me to put it on right then. But as I said, by #3 they are all about forgetting them.

Final Notes:
--With every woman I have been with, it is obvious and measurable how much more she enjoys bareback and how much more intimate it is for her. It is always a new level of pleasure for her. It's pretty hot watching this take place.

--The issue of protection is important and I never take it lightly. But while anyone and everyone may have the best of intentions, the plan never survives first contact and we all know it. There are probably people who really do use protection every single time, but I have not met one yet.

Just my 2 cents...
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