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Old 09-13-2014, 05:40 AM
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fantasy_play_with_me fantasy_play_with_me is offline
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Default A voyeur and exhibitionist's life

Ok…so I originally started telling my story about how I got to the point of considering myself a true voyeur and exhibitionist in another section on this site (Blog…), but changed my mind and have decided to continue it here…under the “My stories. Real experience” area. No real reason other than it seemed more fitting and this area seems to get more traffic. :-)

So now we are in present day, and I find myself married to an awesome girl that while…not always the most adventurous girl (at first…) I’ve even been with, she is definitely the most passionate and fun-loving. Generally speaking…with a little coaxing and hinting, she is pretty accommodating and open to trying new things. Not everything I request, but most. So enter the voyeur and exhibitionist side of us as a couple…

I first noticed her doing the “open lite-up window” glances shortly after we got married. We live close to a small college town where one of the main streets cut right through the heart of campus. Dorms and frat house line both sides of street. We frequent this town on the weekends because there just isn’t much in the way of dining options in the small town we live in. I have ALWAYS driven this route because of the habit that college girls have of keeping their dorm lights on with the curtain wide open and not caring that they are half dress or sometimes topless. Hey…they are obviously wanting people to look, so…who am I to disappoint them. :-) So this voyeur side was something we share but admittedly me more so than her…or at least that’s what she claims…haha.

We live in a rather rural…big “small town” area. We live right in city limit in one of the old subdivision. Our neighbors are fairly close, yet not right up against us either. The neighbor’s houses are probably 40-50 feet away on the side and 75-80 feet to the rear. Close enough to view directly into each other’s window’s at night without the need for binoculars…but they do enhance the experience…shhh. So after my repeated and repeated actions of opening up the curtains of our bathroom and rear bedroom window (the side neighbors are elderly and have become pretty good friends over the years, so…out of respect to them and our friendship…I have never pushed my luck there…) I have got her to give up her habit of constantly closing the curtains after dark. I would open them…she would close them…I would open them up again with a wink…and back and forth. So finally…she has given up and now they are only closed when we go to bed and only then due to the bright light that pours in from the street lights. I win…haha

The house behind us recently became a rental and now has a man and woman is their late 40’s-early 50’s. He is a smoker and is always out on his back deck smoking. The view from his deck has to be near perfect to look directly in our bathroom window. They have only lived there for a couple weeks now and I always watch their house when she goes into the bathroom to shower or take a bath, so I can hopefully catch him outside and see if he takes notice of her and starts watching. On the mornings she works, she is in the shower by 5 AM. So it’s still dark out and would be very easy for him to just stand in plain sight on his deck and even watch our window with binoculars if he wanted with no fear of being noticed. But to date though…the timing between him being out and her in the bath just hasn’t seemed to line up right. As winter arrives and it starts getting darker in the evenings, she will be in the bathroom more and more during his evening smoke outings, so I know it’s only a matter of time before the “stars align” and when they do…I’ll be right there watching him hopefully linger outside with his eyes staring right at the back of our house. Because at THAT POINT…I will know exactly what he is watching…

I have much more to write about that has already happened and what I am contemplating doing. But that is for another post. Until then…voyeur on people!!!
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