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Chatting via email

Avatar Username: paman19944
Date: 09-Dec-2018 13:41:13
Mood: in love

Anyone one else like to chat over email? I find myself unable to get enough time to go into the chat room so I do most of my chatting anymore over email. If anyone is interested my email is on my profile!

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Eating my best friends cum from my wifes pussy

Avatar Username: bobsacumslut
Date: 06-Dec-2018 02:34:57
Mood: happy
Music: Dark side of the moon

Thought I would share the night I became a cum slut. It all started when one of my friends visited my wife and I at the cottage. It was a hot afternoon and the drinks seemed to pour down  very easily, no one was feeling any pain. Not sure how it happened but some where it seemed a great idea to play truth or dare. A few more drinks later it turned into a game of strip poker. My wife lost and she was the first one to be naked. Jean had a very large bush covering her pussy. My friend suggested we play for her pubic hair, all or nothing. Needless to say she lost again and I had the great pleasure of watching my friend shave her bald. We all moved into the bedroom and as I was kissing Jeans nipples my friend started fucking her. I realy was not paying any attention but my friend only fucked her for a few seconds and then rolled of her. I love the scent and taste of a pussy and I proceeded to eat her out.Unknow at the time my friend had a very quick trigger and had cum insde her. This was first time I tasted sperm. I was addicted right then.. I love the slime and the tang. I don't rinse my mouth so I can taste the cum for 2 or 3 hours. Since that day I regularly bring home my buddys to fuck my wife so I can slurp the goo from her smelly cunt.

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Wish my wife would

Avatar Username: Lumpycustard
Date: 08-Nov-2018 19:19:01
Mood: disappointed

So where do I start? 

I wish my my would fuck about! 

Past girlfriends have and I loved it. Whether it be swapping or her just fucking one night stands or friends. 


But my wife just ain't interested! She's been given a full "Hall Pass" when she's out but she just won't use it. 


She's on  girls night out in a few weeks so maybe she'll get interested in someone enough to get paid? 


I hope so.

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Ambitious Asian Executive (Chapter 5)

Avatar Username: lovelyasianwife
Date: 23-Oct-2018 07:45:50
Mood: horny

Chapter 5


Vanessa was at this point, enraged over how she had been made to submit to Aaron, a lowly sales executive. She had it in her mind that she was going to do whatever she could to get him out of the company and more importantly out of her life completely. The disadvantage she faced was that she had no leverage seeing as he had possession of videos and images of the most demeaning and low point of her life. However her intelligent mind and resourcefulness helped craft a strategy whereby she would intercept all of his clients by leveraging on her excellent relationships and ensure that Aaron would never make a single sale for the company again. A month passed with her making certain that he would be worked to the bone; 24 hours a day, seven days a week and have nothing to show for it. His numbers would make his stay untenable but she still wanted to go further. She still had not figured out how to get back at Lars for placing her in this situation in the first place but she could use him to get rid of Aaron as a start.


Conversely, Vanessa in her new role was performing brilliantly and her status as VP was solidified. In just a few weeks she had already out performed any of her predecessors and had tripled sales owing to her dynamism and hard work. One evening, she was slated to have a con-call together with Lars where they would do a check-in with her most hated clients Daniel and Eric. Thankfully, she received an email stating that the call had been postponed and she was free for the evening. The beautiful girl during her free time owed much of her amazing body shape and fit tone to utilizing the company gym after hours. It was usually empty and she would always have the facility to herself where she would work out and distress. It was one of her few moments of solace and solitude that she loved. She changed quickly into a black tank top and sweat pants and proceeded to the gym. She quickly got in to her routine, doing a series of stretches and started with the rowing machine. 20 minutes into her workout, she was feeling good, building up a healthy sweat. Unknown to her, a security camera attached to the corner of the ceiling panned to focus on the lovely girl, with her boss a few floors below seated behind his desktop, enjoying the view while typing messages to his clients in LA.


Vanessa seated herself on to the multi-purpose weight machine, back straight and began performing a series of lateral chest pulls, drawing the weights inside where her hands would meet in the middle. She was so engrossed in her session that she did not realize Lars had entered the gym, locking the door behind him and approached her with his laptop in his palm. She heard his footsteps and was surprised to see him, however she merely turned her gaze upon him while continuing her pulls. He smiled at her and began commending her on her performance to date.


Lars: I am really impressed by what you have managed to do so far. I know we have not been spending much time together but I have been meaning to tell you that despite your circumstances, you really have been the best person for the job. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to reward you?


Vanessa: Look Lars, lets just cut all the shit ok? I just want to do my job and be left alone. Do you know that there is a piece of garbage by the name of Aaron in my team that found whatever you and your people recorded and photographed of me and is using it to blackmail me? I think that you all are damn lucky I have not done anything to you and those fucking Americans and Japanese. I want something done about that sales executive and I want it done now!


She knew that she was still at a disadvantage when it came to her boss but at least she could clear up one problem at a time if Lars decided to at the very least fire Aaron and make sure he never got a job again if he ever went public with his collection of ‘Vanessa porn’.


Lars: You do make a good point. Personally I would hate it if a subordinate ever thought they could dictate things to me. You know what? I am going to make that little fucker suffer for thinking he could mess around with my VP. But as always I feel that you are talking to me in a manner that is unbecoming of an employee right now. So before I deal with him, I think you might have to do something for me now.


Vanessa suddenly realized that it had become increasingly hot within the gym and that was because the air conditioning had been switched off. She in her effort to at least seem in control had been continuing her exercise while talking to him and was now perspiring heavily.


Vanessa: I wish I could say I was surprised but nothing that comes out from you really does surprise me anymore. So what else can you make me do that you have not already done? Doesn’t it get boring for you? Don’t you have any fucking conscience at all?


Lars: Well, I actually just came in to tell you that the con-call is back on right now and that Daniel and Eric are waiting for us to dial in. But since you have decided to continue speaking to me out of turn, I think I may ask for something a bit more. I do feel bad though, disturbing you in the middle of a workout so you should continue exercising while we have our call. After all I respect that your beauty is something that is hard earned but my dear I am sorry that the air conditioning has suddenly ‘decided’ not to work. You must be getting really hot huh? I think that little top and those sweat pants should be removed so you don’t overheat on the job my dear.


Vanessa: You are so damn predictable. How the hell am I supposed to workout and talk at the same time? How do I know that you will deal with Aaron?


Lars: Well you are just going to have to trust me and earn my continued good favor now aren’t you?


Scowling heavily at him, Vanessa got off the machine and removed her soaking wet black top and pants, leaving her in just her black sports bra and black tiny thong. The sight of her beautiful body, gleaming with sweat, sent shivers down his spine as he drank in the sight of her getting back on the machine and slowly pulled her weights once more. Lars while she was undressing had setup his laptop directly facing her and dialed in to a video call with LA.


Lars: Evening gentlemen! My apologies for the delay but we simply felt we had to catch you guys today itself. As you can see in the background, our VP who has done a great job so far is so committed to the task that she has agreed to multi-task so that we can have this call and still get her own thing done. After all, in our company we believe in work-life balance. She will be able to give you guys an update so feel free to ignore what she’s doing and listen to what she has to say.


Daniel: Hi guys! Thank you so much for going ahead with this. Really can’t appreciate it any more. Vanessa, we are really sorry for interrupting your work out but just take your time and update us as best as you can. It is a pleasure just to see you anyhow. Please go ahead.


Gasping and grunting while working her arms, she gamely launched into an update about their system updates and how it would benefit her clients. Her arms were growing tired, something that was not lost on Lars.


Lars: Hold on guys. Before our girl goes on, think she’s done with her lateral muscle workout. Fortunately I used to be fitness instructor in another life, so I feel she needs to do some cardio to workout those legs and give those nice arms a break.


Turning the laptop to face the treadmill, he allowed Vanessa to get on before setting it to a moderate speed as she began jogging while continuing her talk in an impressive fashion, clearly demonstrating her to be in great shape stamina wise. As minutes wore on though, clearly she was beginning to struggle to talk and run at the same time. The heat of the room was beginning to take its toll on her as well with her sports bra clearly becoming heavier with the weight of her increasing perspiration.


Eric: I think our VP needs to take a bit of a breather guys? From talking I mean! She clearly can go a few more miles but we can wait ourselves for her to gather her speech back. No problem at all. Lars, from where we are sitting I think her bra is really getting too burdensome for the poor thing. Maybe she would be more comfortable with it off?


Lars laughed and stared at Vanessa giving her a nod. She knew that all this was an eventuality rather than a probability. With a few cursed words muttered in between her gasps for air, she reached under her bra and pulled it off, revealing her wonderful big breasts, of which bounced up and down enticingly as she ran. She was now just in her black thong, trying in vain to slow down her running as the speed was causing her breasts to bounce uncontrollably beneath her chin. The men of course were loving every moment of this and Daniel requested Lars to move the laptop behind her for a while to capture the view of her taut, fit ass cheeks working out as she ran. Nothing like a woman in just a thong and sneakers going for a run, he commented out loud. Lars himself was getting really hot and bothered and proceeded to remove his shirt and trousers, leaving himself in just his boxers as he admired his subordinate running almost completely naked in front of him. She was a magnificent specimen, he thought. Finally he stopped the treadmill, allowing her to dismount and gather her breath. She gasped wildly with her hands on her knees, her wet body drenched in sweat looking better than ever before. As she finally stood up straight, addressing the video camera, she exclaimed that she had nothing else to update and the session was over. She winced and grimaced as Lars suddenly embraced her from behind, reveling in the smoothness of her body and even sweating profusely, he swore out loud that she still smelled like heaven. She cringed as she felt his hands grasp the waistband of her thong, pulling it down to her ankles. Her mind went blank as his hands ran up her front, over her stomach, grabbing and squeezing her amazing breasts, before reaching down to her hairy crotch that she had neglected to wax for the past two weeks.


Daniel: “Oh I agree we are almost done but what about the Q & A session? Surely we get to ask a few things, seeing as we haven’t been in contact for quite a while? I think Vanessa needs to do some Kiegel exercises as well. I mean that’s one part I think a girl like her needs to focus on seeing as we might be in town in a few weeks time.”


Vanessa groaned as Lars led her to the machine in question. Fully naked bar her sneakers, she was seated as her legs were placed with two pads in between them with the exercise objective calling for her to squeeze her thighs and knees together and release. It was the most obscene position she could possibly find herself in as the laptop was placed right in front of her capturing the full view of her bare pussy spread out every time she released the squeeze of her thighs. She was too exhausted to resist and was just waiting for this ordeal to end. She would never return to this gym again, she decided as she opened and closed her legs, feeling her thighs burn as she worked them rigorously. At the same time, she was made to answer the stupidest, most inconsequential questions. Her humiliation knew no end at this point. As a small bit of mercy, Lars produced her water bottle, allowing her to drink her fill, before instructing her to lie down on a short bench press workout bench to rest. She was so tired she had almost completely forgotten about her audience watching as she lay down, her sweat dripping down from the bench to the floor, her ample chest heaving up and down as she sucked in air. Her hands reached up to her face, covering her eyes, wiping the moisture from there but also somewhat as a means to hide her shame.


Lars suddenly grabbed her left wrist and quickly wrapped in with a flex band, before doing the same with her right. Too spent to put up much of a fight, she weakly strained to retract her wrists as they were quickly bound to the barbell rack poles, her arms spread above her head so that her arms were immobilized. Once more she was left in a horribly compromised state with her legs spread over the bench. She nearly screamed out loud as Lars grabbed and fondled her breasts, she looked up as he saw him removing his boxers, allowing his fully erect cock free as he gazed hungrily at her naked, restrained body. Daniel and Eric watched online, fully immersed in the scene as Lars sat on the bench, facing himself at her bare crotch, his arms reaching under her thighs to spread them wide as he positioned his cock at her pussy lips. Vanessa shook her head violently; imploring him to stop which only resulted in him reaching to the floor for her thong. With his left hand, he pinched her nose, stopping any effort from her to seal her lips as he stuffed her sweat-drenched thong into her mouth, gagging her. Her eyes grew wide as she felt him enter her pussy with his big cock, slamming in and out of her wet sex, the room echoing with the slaps of his waist against her spread crotch. Never in her life had she been fucked in such a fashion, her arms desperately straining against the bands, trying in vain to get free as her boss drove in and out of her powerfully, enjoying every thrust of his hips. Her legs flailed weakly, held up against his shoulders, as his hands placed on her torso, groped and squeezed maniacally on her wonderful breasts and nipples. The muffled groans escaping her thong filled mouth only served to fuel his desire for her as he provided Daniel and Eric with the evening’s erotic entertainment.


Eric: That’s great use of the workout bench Lars! Pump that hole!


Vanessa yelped in pain as Lars pinched her pink nipples, pulling them upwards as far as they would go. In truth the feeling of his cock fucking her pussy was good but not a fact that she would ever admit to her boss. She herself was resigned to her own fate in the moment and her hips began yet again to move in motion with his, accepting his cock inside her.  To him, she looked like a full-fledged porn actress, helplessly bound and laid out in front of him for his pleasure. With a loud grunt, he suddenly withdrew from her and stood over her face, masturbating furiously, her eyes widening in anticipation of what was about to happen. He released a huge load all over her face, covering her eyes, nose with the vast amount shot into her mouth adding cum to the already saliva-soaked wet thong.


Standing over her with all the audacity of a conquering hero, Lars turned away to reach for his clothes only to turn back around at the sound of Vanessa desperately moaning through her thong gag in an effort to communicate. Curious as to what she had to say he reached in her mouth to remove the piece of cloth. To his amusement he watched for a few moments as she choked and even better; forced to swallow his cum in order to clear her mouth until she finally was able to speak.


Vanessa: Lars, please tell me after this you will take care of Aaron right?


Lars: He’s as good as gone and will never bother you again baby. But you, you know you are always going to belong to us don’t you? A slut like you I mean you cannot deny that you are starting to enjoy this!


Vanessa (thinking for awhile): I…I..know. I understand that I will probably never be able to stop you but please just keep this to yourself, Daniel and Eric. Please? I have been through enough. I will be yours. But please admit one thing to me now? I need to hear you say that you planned all this and that I had no choice but to submit to you. I wanted the job but you did blackmail me into it didn’t you? Did you always plan it from the beginning when I asked for it? I never thought that you would do this to me. Now I am your slave. I know that. But I was never going to agree to do any of this willingly but I couldn’t stop you with your power and position, I couldn’t say no. You have such a hold on me now that I have no ability to ever say no to you. Can you just admit that to me?


Lars: I guess there’s no point denying it. You are incredibly beautiful Vanessa. I always thought of ways that I could make you mine and break you so that you would never be able to say no to me. I knew that no matter how badly you wanted the job, money and power, you would only go so far before you would refuse what we wanted. Now you know that no matter what, we own you! Don’t worry though. As long as you are compliant, all your pictures and videos will be safe. Now all you have to do is sit and wait for Daniel and Eric to arrive and you have to show them an even better time than before ok? Good slut.


With that he got dressed, picked up the laptop and released the flex bands from the pole, allowing her arms freedom at last. He stroked her hair for a few moments before leaving the room, Vanessa’s eyes trailing after him before looking upwards towards the ceiling at the security camera she had noticed while he had fucked her on the bench. She got up slowly before gathering her things and toweling herself down. She got dressed with her mind working fervently, knowing what she would have to do. She exited the gym and walked straight towards the security room, hoping that she would come across one of the female security guards usually posted in the later part of the evening.







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Still at it

Avatar Username: MaryAndSean
Date: 22-Oct-2018 21:45:54
Mood: in love
Music: boom chicka wow wow

Hi gang, 

We stopped in on 10/22/18. We cammed for 45 minutes or so. Fucking, sucking, dildoes and fisting. We are not around so much because life is keeping us busy. Mary has done 3 ways with two guys now. All else is good. Hope you all are too. C U Soon!

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Swinging in TN

Avatar Username: cjrebel21
Date: 21-Oct-2018 21:48:40
Mood: other

Tennessee swingers if you are interested I started a group on Kik.  If you are interested try SMTswingfun.  On kik

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casal bosslino

Avatar Username: casalbosslino
Date: 13-Oct-2018 12:08:52
Mood: in love

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So horny after birth !!!

Avatar Username: hornyDeanfyou
Date: 09-Oct-2018 13:47:31
Mood: horny
Music: rock

I need to fuck all time !!! Right now ... MY PUSSY IS SO WET ... !!!

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Avatar Username: FunExposedWife
Date: 21-Sep-2018 22:09:22
Mood: horny

Hello every one!

My name is Nikki!

I am 27 from Los Angeles

I love being exposed every where online. 

I use temp.exposed for that so please feel free to ask me for my link. 

My husband just found out that I am an exhibitionist. He is very support of it which makes me want to go further. 

I love the rush of some one recognizing me  hehe its so hot. 


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Old friend with new peter implant

Avatar Username: sexhound46217
Date: 21-Sep-2018 19:04:52
Mood: full of life

Wife and I have had this one friend that we met years ago. We were in our mid thirties and he was around fifty and married. We hit it off the first time we met and years of fun with him or I should say my wife did. It turned out he really really enjoyed eating pussy and anal sex. He didn’t mind pussy sex but would rather have anal sex with my wife. He was pretty well hung and extremely thick . The hole time he was devouring the wife’s pussy his fingers were probing her butt till he had three or four fingers sliding easily in and out. With his Dick well lubed and her legs up on his shoulders he would slide in her awaiting butt. He was always gentle inserting his dick in her partially stretched out butt. He would let the head of his dick slide in and let her relax then slide the rest of his dick in. It was never long before he was stroking in and out of her butt with full strokes . All the time she was moaning and screaming fuck me fuck me hard. Well this continued like this maybe once a week or sometimes more for years. Then a couple of years ago when he stopped over he was just devouring her pussy and only fingering her butt. Then after four or five meetings like this the wife ask why no anal sex. Finally he owned up he couldn’t get it up any more because of a blockage of blood flow. The wife explained that she still enjoyed his tounge and fingers as much as he wanted. He was happy and continued to stop by even more often some weeks. Then last winter he announced he was going to Florida for a few months. Well this spring when he returned home from his vacation he called and wanted to show my wife a surprise he had for her. He had gotten a gift for her and she was admiring it when he said that’s not the only thing I got. She looked surprised and said what do you mean? He smiled and dropped his pants and said watch this as he squeezed by his nut sack his dick started to spring up and began to harden. You got to realize this guy is seventy two years old and smiling from ear to ear. The wife was excited to try it out and giggled like a little school girl. Lucky it was early in the afternoon because they fucked for hours then rest and go back at it again. We had many MMF fuck sessions all evening till around nine o’clock she said I’ve got to shower and get some sleep to work tomorrow. The next morning she exclaimed I’m going to take a cushion sit on at work because my ass is sore! To say the least she is impressed with his implant and has hinted about me getting one.

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