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size is minor

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 09-Aug-2009 07:06:34
Mood: in love
Music: romantic

Consider this: The average flaccid penis is only 3-5 inches in length; the average erection is only 5-7 inches. The top 2/3 of the vagina has virtually no nerve endings, so stuffing it full of a 12-inch penis is not a guarantee of pleasure. Certain camera angles used in porn make the penis look bigger. The only way to permanently change the size of your penis is through surgery, which is expensive and carries some risks. I can't recommend taking pills--due to potentially dangerous side effects and the fact that just taking a pill can't possibly change your anatomy permanently. Try shaving all your pubic hair off, it'll make you look 2 inches bigger. Penis pumps do work to get a quick erection that's possibly bigger, but again, this is a temporary change. One fun thing to try is length extenders and girth enhancers, which will augment what you already have.

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god and sex

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 01-Sep-2009 06:19:47
Mood: in love

God and sex

So here is my new issue.  I was trying to study the history of the relationship between God and Baal/Asherah in the Bible.  As I began trying to find information on it, all of the Christian so-called-scholars basically just said that they were other gods who Israel worshipped and their acts were so detestable that they were unwilling to elaborate.  What kind of crap, cop-out answer is that.  Let me get this straight, God of heaven and earth creates the brilliance that is sex, puts clear parameters on it and tells us to stay within these boundaries and have a whole lot of fun.  Then Satan comes along and screws it up (no pun intended) so that it becomes a major part of worship to him rather than recognition of God's magnificance, and Christians just bend over (still no pun intenended) and let him take it from us.


I say no more!  I say that it is time for a new sexual revolution where Christians take sex back from the devil.  We need to talk about it more, dream about it more, thank God for it more.  We need to claim what is rightly ours.  The longer we allow the world and mass media to lay claim to what should and should not be sexually socially acceptable, the more we are letting go of a gift God wants for us. 


When people hear about other religions urinating on communion wafers, Christians ought to be outraged.  When churches get burned down and vandalized, we out to be enraged.  When anyone deficates (literally or figuratively) on something designed to be used to bring glory to God, anyone who claims to follow Jesus Christ should be infuriated.  And sex is a clear proof of a great God. 


So here is what I propose.  Christian parents need to stop cowering away from the subject, or (even worse) trying to convince their children that sex is dirty.  Sex is not dirty at any time, ever (well I guess it sort of depends on how you are doing, but you know what I mean).  Outside of marriage it against the will of God, innapropriate and a type of destruction of the temple of the Almighty God, but it is not the sex that is dirty, it is the improper use of sex that makes it unacceptable.  Parents need to tell their kids how great it can be and teach them the Biblical truths of it.


The second action that must be made is that Christians, regardless of age, need to be aware of what God has to say about how great and valuable the marriage bed is, so that the world will know that sex is godly.


Basically, the first command from God that I can see in the Bible is in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 when God tells Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply.  The very first command from God was to tell his people to go have sex and make some babies.  Then the last verse of the next chapter says that they were both naked anf felt no shame.  That is the perfect marriage relationship.  Settle for nothing less.


Christians unite with me in saying, "Screw you, Devil (again, no pun intended) because we are taking sex back!"

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size is minor

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 09-Aug-2009 07:06:23
Mood: in love
Music: romantic

Consider this: The average flaccid penis is only 3-5 inches in length; the average erection is only 5-7 inches. The top 2/3 of the vagina has virtually no nerve endings, so stuffing it full of a 12-inch penis is not a guarantee of pleasure. Certain camera angles used in porn make the penis look bigger. The only way to permanently change the size of your penis is through surgery, which is expensive and carries some risks. I can't recommend taking pills--due to potentially dangerous side effects and the fact that just taking a pill can't possibly change your anatomy permanently. Try shaving all your pubic hair off, it'll make you look 2 inches bigger. Penis pumps do work to get a quick erection that's possibly bigger, but again, this is a temporary change. One fun thing to try is length extenders and girth enhancers, which will augment what you already ha

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double action

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 11-Oct-2009 06:30:07
Mood: horny

Available only to women as a receiver, the art of double penetration can bring extreme pleasure to the woman. Because the anus is highly sensitive and there are many shared sexual nerve endings between the walls of the vagina and the anus, simultaneous stimulation can be quite erotic. Naturally, this positoin either requires two givers, or the use of a vibrator or dildo. It's best to get the first insertion done into the vagina, then proceed to the anal insertion.

Double penetration can be performed in a variety of positions, most of them having the receiver sandwiched between the two givers. She can be doggie style, laying on her back, laying on her front or even standing. It's best to experiement a bit to find the most comfortable and rewarding position.

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Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 18-Jul-2009 06:16:50
Mood: in love

Three Names you go by;
1. boobs
2. bob

Three Things That Scare You
1. Failure
2. never finding my pot of  GOLD!!!!
3. dieing

Three of Your Everyday Essentials
1. my car
2. shower
3. food

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. boxerbreifs
2. sweat pants
3. a tee shirt

Three of Your Favorite Bands/groups
1. any thing
2. outkast
3. nappyroots

Three Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Honesty
2. sexyness
3. careing

Two Truths and a Lie (in any order)
1. I'm allways HAPpY!!!
2. i spend to much money on my CAR!!!
3. im a bum with no job...

Three PHYSICAL Things about the Opposite Sex that Appeal to You
1. nice skin tone..
2. Smile
3. SEXY SEXY body or not what ever

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies

Three Things You want to do really badly right NOW.
1. mmm  go to sleep because it 4 in the morning
2. find a million dallors
3. RUN NAKED IN your house when your sleeping.. no really im going to do it..

Three Places You Want to go
2. Italy
3. Egypt

Three Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. have a lot of FUN
2. fine the girl of my dreams and fall in love
3. jump out of a plane...

Three Ways that you are stereotypically a GIRL/Guy
1. i love woman
2. I have hair on my face
3. i have a penic

Three people I would like to see take this quiz
1. my mail lady
2. the tin man
3. any one with a brain

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sex like indian style

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 18-Jul-2009 06:25:02
Mood: in love
Music: romantic

Over the past few days, we've noticed that our air conditioning unit would turn on to cool. but then would fail to turn off after reaching the desired temperature.  It would go a degree or two below and we'd catch it and turn it off. The other night, Heather turned the a/c back on and forgot to turn it off. So, when I got home yesterday afternoon, it was 67 degrees inside the house. That's going to be a nice electric bill. :)  Since the unit is cooling fine, we figured it was just the thermostat.  I did some research on the web and saw the type I was going to need. I got the essentials (voltage/for a heat pump/etc) , because our original thermostat isn't made anymore.  So, after heather got home from work, I went to Lowe's and got a new one.  nothing fancy. Just a digital, non-programmable replacement for the one we had.  I got home, took the old thermostat apart, labeled the wires and got it about half way wired when they called me for supper. The Father-in-Law had come over to see the grand kids and cook supper for us, so I didn't want to make him wait for us to eat. After supper, I went back to finishing up the wiring. Everything went together fine and I flipped the circuit breaker to run it all back one. You are expecting me to talk about a fire aren't you? Nope. Everything worked fine. The temp was low enough in the house where the a/c unit didn't come on, so I didn't give it another thought.  As we went to bed, the thermostat read 74 and the house temp was 74. Good to go.

About 3:15 am, I woke up. I was hot. Crap.  Well, I thought, we've had the problem with the a/c the last few nights, maybe I was just used to sleeping in the 70 degree temp and 74 feels warm right now.  I'll think anything to keep me from getting out of bed.  A few more minutes and I couldn't take it anymore. I was getting hotter.  Crap.  I had to go see what the temp said. The readout said 78.  Crap.  The fan was running, so I walked over to the vent in the floor and put my foot over it. Hot air.  Crap!  I shut off the unit, pulled off the face plate, got the installation manual and proceeded to check my wiring.  My wiring looked good.  Crap.  So, I got on the web and started researching my original thermostat, the new thermostat and wiring diagrams for units to see exactly what wire was designated for what.  After some trial and error, a lot of reading and cross-referencing, I finally figured out the problem.  There was one wire that had a double designation on it. "O/B" that I had read earlier that evening as "D/B".  Since there was no "D" on the wire plan, I wired it to the "B" post.  Once I saw what the two designators were for and that it was actually an "O" and not a "D," I figured it need to be wired to the "D" post and not the "B."  I rewired my thermostat and by 4:00 am, the bottom floor was cooling down nicely. The rest of the family doesn't even know I screwed it up.  Of course, putting the story out on the web won't help me keep my secret very long, but keeping my ego intact has never been a high priority for me.  If it was, I wouldn't write half the stories I do on here.

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beer vc pussy

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 10-Aug-2009 07:32:37
Mood: horny
Music: hot

1. Beer is always wet. Pussy needs a little work. - One point to BEER

2. Warm beer tastes awful. - One point to Pussy

3. A really cold beer is satisfying. - One point to BEER

4. If after taking a swig of your favorite beer you find a hair between your teeth, you may vomit. - One point to Pussy

5. Ten beers in one night and you can't drive home. Ten Pussies in one night and you don't want to drive anywhere. - One point to Pussy

6. If you have a lot of beer in a public place, your reputation may suffer. If you eat any Pussy in public, you become a legend. - One point to Pussy

7. If a cop stops you and you smell of beer you may get arrested. If you smell of Pussy he may buy you a beer. - One point to Pussy

8. You normally don't find old beer. - One point to BEER

9. Too much beer and you'll think you see flying saucers. Too much Pussy a nd you'll think you've seen God. - One point to PUSSY

10. In most countries there's a tax on beer. - One point to PUSSY

11. If you have another beer the first one never gets pissed off - One point to BEER

12. You can always be sure if you're the first one to open a bottle or can. - One point to BEER

13. If you shake beer it'll get all agitated but it eventually it
settles down. - One point to BEER

14. You always know how much beer is going to cost - One point to BEER

15. Beer doesn't have a mother - One point to BEER

16. Beer never expects to be hugged for half an hour after you've drank it - One point to BEER


That's it! The matter is settled, the clear winner is: BEER

PS: If you are a woman and at this point feel angry, degraded or discriminated, just remember that Beer would experience none of those feelings, let alone express them. -An extra point for BEER

100.0% (1 Perfs)

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keep fit

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 27-Aug-2009 06:48:54
Mood: in love

Mastering Sex & Tantra

In kundalani tantra yoga we don’t try to suppress or sublimate sexual energy, instead we look to raise it’s vibration so that our sexual charge can be utilized for nourishing our higher centers ().  There are many kundalani tantra (sets), breathing exercise and meditation to help raise and channel our sexual energies.  In due course I will provide these techniques on Mastery of Meditation, but in this article I want to explore the closely related school ofsexual tantra which is the application of Kundalini Tantra Yoga with regard to sex itself.

In this variation of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, the sex act is utilized to not only arouse and intensify one’s sexual excitement in order to reach heightened states of eroticism, but, much more importantly, sex is used to reach and experience altered states of consciousness.

Of the many requirements and prerequisites for practicing Sexual Tantra the following 2 are most important:

Key Requirements for Practicing Sexual Tantra:

1.  Loving Partner:  Most important for the practice of this branch of Tantra is to have a loving, understanding and hopefully interested partner.  Sexual Tantra is not really about just having sex, although you may end up doing that a lot :-).  It is about exploring this communion between the male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) manifestations in order to reverse genesis.  In other words, from One there came many (in this case 2) and in Sexual Tantra, via sex, Shiva and Shakti merge such that the many return to One. 

2. Sexual Control:  If you want to go very far in the exploration of Sexual Tantra, you better learn to master your sexual passions.  There are many facets to this mastery of your sexual nature and this article is to help the male partner master his ejaculatory response during sexual intercourse.

Tantric Breathing Technique to Prolong Sexual Intercourse:

The following technique is a variation of kapalbharti pranayamand it is simple yet very effective.

During sexual intercourse, as the excitement peaks for the male and he approaches orgasm he should begin to do Kapalbhati Pranayama through the mouth.  Specifically, he should puff air out of his mouth while pulling in the stomach muscle sharply with each exhalation.  As in Kapalbhati, allow the stomach to relax for the recoil inhalation to take place. This rapid puffing out of air through the mouth changes the blood chemistry and will retard ejaculation by easing the blood supply to the male sexual organ.

As with any skill, practice makes perfect, but unlike the grind that practice usually is, I suspect you won’t mind working on this one so much :-).


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i m expert

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 16-Aug-2009 07:02:07
Mood: in love
Music: romantic

Fucking is an art and everybody thing they knows about it but 99% are failed. Now I am going to tell about this. First kiss the baby's lips and suck as much as u can and then kiss on the back of the ear then neck, breast and in last the wet pussy. Then offer to lick your cock. Then just arm the baby tightly then just take your postion without informing and give a big shot . If she cry then you can assume you are a perfect soul mate of her another try something else somewhere else. What you think????

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boobs lover

Avatar Username: hirenoza
Date: 18-Aug-2009 07:52:53
Mood: in love
Music: horny

Why do men find breasts so attractive?

Question:”Thank you very much for your concern and detailed useful answer to my question about  and I wish that the girls comment to your answer. Again thank you and I'd like to ask another question : Why we men find women's breast cleavage very seductive? I'd like a detailed answer like my previous question. Thank you.” By Samy


Well the answer would be because they are fun. Lots of fun. Also you should take into consideration the fact that large breasts are a sight of a very fertile woman. And all men want is to have as many children as possible. So signs of fertility are very important. Our ancestors didn’t want to put in the time and effort of seducing a woman who had no chance on earth of birthing a child.

In some cultures saggy tits are the best asset a woman ca poses. They signal other men that she had children and she survived the birth process. That woman is fertile and knows how to take care of a child.

Also the delicious breasts are made of fatty tissue. Bigger breasts tell to men the fact that than woman has the resources necessary to feed an eventual child. And the bigger the breasts and butt and the harder the living environment the more valuable and desired is the woman. It’s the equivalent of the woman saying: “I am a survivor. Look in this scarcity of food I still succeed at packing resources for further use”. And that message was very appealing to our ancestors.


We men like fat deposits that are placed just at the right spot. And big breasts are one of our favorite places to see a whole lot of it. It means the woman is fertile and has the necessary resources to take care of a child, especially to feed him. Usually after the first child birth the breasts of the woman get larger making her even more attractive. It’s a sign to all the men that she is perfect to have children with.

Also don’t forget the fun factor. Breasts are a whole lot of fun for us men to play with. You can do a lot of things to a big pair of breasts and get pleasure and offer pleasure to your sexy woman.

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